
This is a C++ toolkit used for reading in Gromacs files (.xtc, .ndx, and .tpr) for use in analyzing simulation results. This interfaces with libxdrfile and implements an object-oriented style. The main usage of the library is to be able to create a Trajectory object which reads in an XTC file along with an optional GROMACS index file such that the user only has to worry with implementing the actual analysis. Several functions which are repeatedly used in Molecular Dynamics analysis (periodic boundary condition calculations, distances, etc.) are also included.


  • Only one object construction needs to be called to read in both .xtc and .ndx files.
  • Index groups can be used by name within the program to get a desired atom’s coordinates.
  • Custom classes for atomic coordinates and simulation box allow overloading of operators to simplify coding.
  • Common functions such as distance, magnitude, and cross product are built-in.
  • Analysis loops can easily be parallelized with class getter functions, since all data frames are initially read in and can be accessed simultaneously.
  • No other libraries needed (the relevant parts of libxdrfile are included with this project).